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Questions To A Muslim Child (8)

What do we call the nights in which we give particular value to spending it in worship?

We call them the Blessed Nights (Qandil)

How many Blessed Nights are tehere in a year?

There are five Blessed Nights in a year: Mawlid Night, Ragaib Night, Miraj Night, Bara'ah Night, Qadir night.

What is Mawlid Night?

It is the celebration of the Blessed Night when our Prophet (s.a.s.) was born.

What is Ragaib Night?

It is the celebration of the Blessed Night when Muhammad's (s.s.s.) mother Amina understood that she was pregnant with our Prophet (s.a.s.)

What is Miraj Night?

It is the celebration of the Blesse Night of the Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.s.) miraculous journey to Heaven and other universes by the invitation of Allah.

What is Bara'ah Night?

It is the celebration of the Sacred Night when the Holly Qur'an came to the world from the divine tablet, when the yearly sustenances andthe life of a man are reviewed and when forgiveness and blessings are given to all Muslims.

What is Qadr Night?

It is the celebration of the Sacred Night when our Holly Qur'an started word by word to our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)

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