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Questions To A Muslim Child (7)

How many types of canonical school (madhab) are there?

There are two types.

How many founding imams are there in the schools of faith? What are they?

There are two imams. Imam Abu Mansuri Maturidi and Imam Abu Hasan al-
Ash'ari, may Allah be pleased with them.

How many schools of Deed are there? What are they?

There are four schools of deed. They are the Hanafi, Shafii, maliki and Hanbalii

What is your school of faith?

My school of faith is Ahli-Sunnah-wal-Jam'aah.

What is your school of deed?

My school of deed is Hanafi.

Who is the imam of our school of faith?

Imam Abu Mansur Muhammad Maturidi is the imam of our school of faith.

Who is the imam of the school of faith of those who are from the Shafii, Maliki and
Hanbali schools?

Their imam is Abu'l Hasan al, Ashari.

Whatis Fasiq (Impious)?

It is the name of a person who is heedless to God’s Commands and prohibitions.

What is Fitna?

It means a test with the good or bad things, moral collapse, social upheaval and chaos.

What is Fıqh (jurisprudence)?

It is a person’s knowledge of what deeds are for his benefit and what are for his harm.

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