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32 Obligatory

Would you please tell us the thirty-two obligatory acts (fardh)?

6 pillars of Faith,
5 pillars of Islam,
12 obligatory acts of prayer (salah),
4 of minor ablution (Wudhu),
3 of major ablution (Ghusl),
2 of ablution with sand or earth (tayammum), for a total of 32.

How many are the essential principles of faith?

To believe in the existence of Allah,
The Angels,
The Divine Scriptures,
The Prophets, the Day of Judgement,
Destiny, (i.e. that all good and bad comes from Allah)

How many basic pillars are there in Islam?

Testimony of faith in the Oneness of Allah (Kelimah-i Tawhid),
Performing prayer (salah),
fasting (sawm),
Giving the poor-due (zakat),
Pilgrimage to Makkah (hajj)

How many obligatory acts are there in minor ritual ablution (wudhu)?

Washing the face from hair end and ear lobes to under the chin
Washing the arms up to and including the elbows.
Wiping one fourth of the head
Washing the feet including the ankles.

How many obligatory are there in the major ablution (ghusl)?

Washing the mouth with plenty of water
Washing inside the nose with plenty of water
Washing the hole body without leaving and dry point.

How many obligatory acts are there in ablution with sand and earth (tayammum) if water can not be found?

Intention for tayammum.
Hitting both hands twice on the sand; with the frst wiping the face, with the second wiping the arms.

How many obligatory acts are there in salah?

Six internal and six external, totally twelve.

What are the externals?

Purification of environmentPurification from excrementCovering private partsTurning towards the Kaabah in Makkah (Qibla)TimeIntention

What are the internals?

Opening salah by uttering the words "Allahu Akbar"Standing posture (Qiyam)Recitng Qur'anBowling with the palms of the hands touching the knees (ruku)Prostrating (sadjah)Staying as long as to say "there is only one Allah and Muhammad (s.a.s.) is His Messenger" in the last sitting position of salah.

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